Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

Greek mythology has captured the imaginations of millions of children and adults over the millenia. Its origins lie in an oral tradition that goes back to at least the early Bronze ages of Hellenic (the early Helladic phase c.3000BC).

Myths, especially those most the enthusiastic Hellenic heroes such as Achilles and Agamemnon are intellection to uprise from the late Helledic period, also known as the metropolis punctuation (c1200BC).

This was a punctuation of Helladic conquest and where enthusiastic palaces were built. This punctuation came to an abrupt end c1100-1000BC. The reasons for this violent end is unclear, however the palaces were burnt down in a very close timeframe.

The oral tradition of mythology continued turning ever more nostalgic as nowadays grew more harsh and memories of the metropolis palaces seemed marvelous in comparison to the hard life of the Hellenic dark ages (c.1000-850BC). The people of mythology became stronger, more moral (relatively) and closer to the gods.

The lure of mythology continues today, as shown through the production of films such as Ilium and the 300, modify if their truthfulness to the stories of the Greeks is kinda twisted. The fascination continues. Bold

Why then have some schools turned absent from the classics. There strength be some limited teaching at primary level, however by the time a child reaches alternative school at the age of 11, some state schools do not offer study of the ancient past or the literature of ancient authors.

It seems Classics/Ancient history/mythology and Classical authors are more the preserve of public fee paying schools. If these subjects are available in state schools, they are ofttimes made accessible to the 'gifted and talented', kinda than to all pupils. Schools are ofttimes too results driven which strength explain this trend.

Even at sixth form level, the Classical subjects have suffered and vocational options such as NVQs (that inject serious levels of funding into colleges) thrive. Education has become only purposeful for getting work, kinda than producing rounded individuals who gain a love of learning.

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